Best Time of the Year: New York City Fashion Week

Best Time of the Year: New York City Fashion Week

Monday, November 22, 2010

Add a Bit of Sparkle to Your Step This Winter

So I never usually think to turn to O Magazine for fashion, but while I was skimming the December issue, I found an article that caught my eye.  In the "Look What we Found" article, O featured 5 pairs of flats, heels, and sneakers that were completely covered in sparkles.  Before seeing this story, I had never really thought about wearing sparkly shoes (kind've tacky, right?) but the shoes they pictured were so fun and, actually, really nice, especially for this time of year.  I was drawn to one pair in particular that I thought I'd get a lot of use out of.  These were the $45 silver shimmery slip-on Keds for Gap.  I thought that they were great and wanted to try them out.  Unfortunately, my local Gap still doesn't have them in stock, but at least that gives me some time to decide between the bronze and silver pair.  I thought that they'd look great with cropped skinny jeans and maybe a big, grey chunky sweater.  Check out the other featured styles In O Magazine and let me know what you think.  Are these sparkly shoes a hit or a miss?

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